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English Highway

English Learning Series broadcasted on Canal Clase.


On The Lig

It takes guts to be a loser




English Highway

English Learning Series broadcasted on Canal Clase.


On The Lig

It takes guts to be a loser

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On The Lig

It takes guts to be a loser.

They came for the American dream but ended up finding lunch in the dumpster.

It’s an Irish Flight of the Concords meets Extras about the art of the mooch, as Dara and his friends, transplants from Ireland, “lig” or “sponge” their way through New York to sustain their artistic careers and their stomachs.  They constantly get in their own way so despite their considerable talent they are forced to sponge their way through New York and their life in this new TV show.

The Recipe

Revenge is Sweetest when Served with Rice

In this short film, Socorro, a cleaning lady in New York, goes back to the Philippines to find that things are not as she expected them to be back home with her family. Featuring: Angeli Bayani, Star Orjaliza, Eddie Del Mar, Jr, and Jill Palencia. Directed by Marissa Aroy. Cinematography and Screenplay by Niall McKay.

Grand Cafe

Educational Telenovela

The Media Factory produced this innovative educational soap opera “Grand Café,”. This 18-part series is designed to teach low-income immigrant women how to start their own businesses. This series imparts language and entrepreneurial training through the stories of four immigrant women and their adventures, challenges and triumphs in starting their own businesses in the U.S. The drama segments work to illustrate the educational telecourse.